Friday, June 11, 2010

German VI

" Oh what a wonderful vocab you have" " why dont you try writing in newspapers". "He would bring a new word in his write ups like a unique pearl in the Ocean"

Wish to hear all this about you. Learning new words is nothing but what is meant by vocabulary

We all as English speaking world know how important vocabulary is. It is the difference between a god language and a normal language. Learning new words should become a paatime while learning a language.All new language learners should get aquainted with the vocabulary.

The German Language like any other language is comprised of millions of words,yet 50% of normal spoken and written texts are comprised of only 66 words. Students rightfully ask, which words do i have to learn in order to carry on an everday conversation or read a text written for the average German Speaker

The magic answer is usually 2,00 words i.e a student who has mastered the basic 2,000 core vocabulary words has learned the most important words used in 80% of all written and oral communication.

In this blog we will mention most of the words and try to make the count to 2000 and more.
We will be including bilingual vocabulary for everybody to understand

Why a bilingual" basic vocabulary"?

The use of the target language to teach the language is the norm in most programs today.Usually a new word is explained in simple German and illustrated with practical examples.

The practical teaching situation.. A FACET of SPINAC... involves use of native language especially when difficult concepts need to be clarified.

Because it is meant to be used independently by the learners to study and review outside the class, a text like basic vocabulary must be 100% bilingual.
It is not meant to, and should not , replace a regular German-English/English-German dictionary where a learner can find many more words and
definitions , nor a comprehensive grammar text. The Basic vocubulary is to be learned only to serve as a suppliment for study and learning.

We will be further in this blog display the most important words for a student to learn and use.
Our posts will be based on evaluation of numerous lists of basic German vocabulary
published in Germany,. Austria, switzerland , India and other countries. All the important sources of information on word frequenct in written and spoken German will be

Factors such as how familiar and useful a word is in everyday conversation will also be considered. We would also like to bring to
the notice of student who want to learn at Spinac learning center thatour teaching material would be
mosty effective for you ..the students.

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