Sunday, December 19, 2010

Why learn a language?

The question that might stare most of the readers of this blog is what is the purpose of learning a language.Well it has been a philosophers say that ' learning a new language is like leaving a new life'.

When it comes to being social as a part of the society we need to take care of each other's feelings. We always feel like we should be welcomed everywhere and always crave for that feeling of importance. One is by activities other is by your talks. Improving communication makes life easier and work a pleasure.

Learning the language of the people we are going to deal with is an added advantage. The small pleasures like being able to open a conversation with the travel agent and when in a hotel being able to choose the dish of our choice better than just pointing to things.

It would thus be great when traveling to a foreign country.
Get that cutting edge!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Interesting gestures and greeting in German

Interesting German gestures


German Lesson 1

Start with German alphabets

It is important to learn a language starting with its alphabets. The German alphabet looks completely like English except for some sounds which we will be learning throughout our further sessions. Most interesting mention is "v" in English which sounds as "f" in German. So.. do you understand? understand=Verstehen so while prononcing i would say..Verstehen("F"erstehen) Sie(Sie is "you")?

Welcome to My German Tutorials

German alphabets
pratice these alphabets , learn and try to remember although Michel Thomas a language expert says remembering while learning a language is not advisable. It is better used in sentences so you can easily say them whenever required without having to recollect or remember.

Friday, December 17, 2010

German lesson 2

Funny Gender magic in German

Genders in German hold prime importance.Most of the grammar revolves around the gender.The articles, pronouns all the fun part of speaking German comes with the ability to judge the correct gender.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

German Lesson 3

Know the articles

The articles in German in the nominative case are
der Mann =the Man(masculine)
die Frau =the woman(feminine)
das Buch =the book(neuter)
die Männer=the men(plural)
Note: The nominative case would be when we get answers after asking the verb "who" "whose".These basics are same as English.
Er ist der Mann(m). He is the man( I was talking about)
Sie ist die Frau(f). She is the  woman (I was talking about)
Dies ist das Buch(n) This is the book(I was talking about)
Das sind die(pl) Männer Those are the men(I was talking about)

The indefinite articles
ein Mann= a man(m)
eine Frau= a woman(f)
ein Buch=a book(n)
Er ist ein guter Mann =He is a good man.
Sie ist eine gute Frau=She is a good woman.
Es ist ein gutes Buch=It is a good book.

The above examples look too simple but good enough for the basics

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

German Lesson 4

Practice Articles

Put definite and indefinite articles 
Note that the articles decline according to it's gender and case. The sentences below are in the Nominative case
m=masculine gender
f=feminine gender
n=neuter gender
1. ____Lehrer(m) kommt.
The teacher comes ans:Der Lehrer kommt
A teacher comes ans:Ein Lehrer kommt
2. ____Kalb(n) ist klein.
The calf is small ans: Das Kalb ist klein
3. ____Dame(f) ist freundlich.
The lady is friendly ans: Die Dame ist freundlich
4. ____Mann(m) ist alt.
The man is old
5. ____Kaninchen(n) ist weiß.
The rabbit is white
A rabbit is white(ans:Ein Kaninchen(n) ist weiß)
6. ____Tante(f) bringt es.
The aunt brings it
An aunt brings it
7. _____Büchlein(n) liegt hier.
The booklet lies here
A book is lying here
8. _____Katze(f) schläft.
The cat is sleeping
A cat is sleeping
9. ______Sohn(m) schreibt.
The son is writing
10. _____Tochter(f) ist hübsch.
The daughter is pretty
11. ____Junge(m) ist groß.
The young boy is tall
12. ____Küken(n) ist gelb.
The chick is yellow
13. ____Lehrerin(f) ist intelligent.
The lady teacher is intelligent
14. ____Mutter(f) kocht.
Mother is cooking
15. ____Kind(n) weint.
The kid is crying
A kid is crying
16. _____Kater(m) ist schwarz.
The hangover is black
17. ____Lehrer(m) sitzt dort
The teacher is sitting there..
18. _____Mädchen(n) ist klein
The girl is short.
19. ____Henne(f) ist braun.
The hen is brown
A hen is brown
20. ____Fräulein(f) sieht uns.
The girl is looking at us
A girl is looking at us
4.Der Mann(m) ist alt.
5.Das Kaninchen(n) ist weiß.
Ein Kaninchen(n) ist weiß.
6.Die Tante(f) bringt es
Eine Tante(f) bringt es
7.Das Büchlein(n) liegt hier.
Ein Büchlein(n) liegt hier.
8.Die Katze(f) schläft.
Eine Katze(f) schläft.
9.Der Sohn(m) schreibt.
10. Die Tochter(f) ist hübsch.
11.Der Junge(m) ist groß.
12.Das Küken(n) ist gelb.
13. Die Lehrerin(f) ist intelligent.
14.Die Mutter(f) kocht.
15.Das Kindn) weint.
Ein Kind weint.
16. Der Kater(m) ist schwarz.
17.Der Lehrer(m) sitzt dort
18.Das Mädchen ist klein
19.Die Henne(f) ist braun.
20.Die Fräulein sieht uns.
Eine Fräulein sieht uns.

German Lesson 5

Pronouns in German

Pronouns we all know are entities which take place of a noun. For instance: Ram went to the  museum yesterday." So if want to say "Ram studied the antiques there". It doesn't sound good when we use "Ram" again. It breaks the continuity. So we use pronouns. Here I will use the masculine pronoun "He". The sentence then becomes "Ram went to the museum yesterday. He studied the antiques there."

The German pronouns are

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

German Lesson 6

Discussing "Sie"

The pronoun Sie/sie is used often in German and as seen above "you" "they" and "she" is all "sie".So how do we then differentiate while speaking. Most of the times we do this in terms of reference while speaking or writing.

One way to differentiate is
"Sie ist"  will be equivalent with "She is"
"Sie sind" will be equivalent to "You are"

Many a times when referring to "they" we can use "die"

Monday, December 13, 2010

German Lesson 7

Recognizing the gender

Remember that while speaking Deutsch we need to be well acquainted with the genders of the Nouns. You will find that all the teachers, online blogs, websites   trying to teach German are concentrating on being able to help their learners recognize the gender. What I am going to do here is put up certain hints to be able recognize the gender of a German Noun.The rules apply many times but not always.

Whats common?
Like in English the male beings are masculine , female beings are feminine For example:
  1. der Mann..the Mann <---> die Frau....the woman
  2. der Vater...the father<---> die Mutter..the mother
  3. der Onkle..the uncle <---> die Tante....the aunt
  4. der Bruder..the brother <--> die Schwester..the sister
  5. der Sohn..the son<---> die Tochter....the daughter...
As is normal with any language there are exceptions. A girl is ..Das Mädchen..the girl.. neuter gender
The Masculine Nouns
Nouns ending in -er,-en,el,ig,ich,lng ar mostly masculine
  1. der Schlüssel<--->key
  2. der Wagen<--->car
  3. der Arbeiter<--->worker
  4. der Honig<---->honey
  5. der Teppich<--->carpet
  6. der Lehrling<--->apprentice
exception: Messer..Knife is neuter..das Messer and many others like das Fenster.the window
The names of days, months, seasons are masculine
  1. der Montag<-->Monday
  2. der Juli<--->July
  3. der Frühling<--->Spring
Names of directions are also masculine
  1. der Norden<--->North
  2. der Süden<--->South
  3. der Westen<--->West
  4. der Osten<--->East
Foreign endings-and, ant, ar, är, ast, ent ,eur, ier, ist, ismus,or,us are masculine
  1. der Kommandant ...commander
  2. der Friseur ...hairdresser, barber
  3. der Kommissar... commissioner, inspector
  4. der Offizier.... officer
  5. der Millionär... millionaire
  6. der Optimist ...optimist
  7. der Enthusiast... enthusiast
  8. der Idealismus... idealism
  9. der Student ...student
  10. der Tenor... tenor
The Feminine Nouns
Nouns ending in -age,-e,-ei,-heit,-keit,schaft,-ie,-ek,-eke,-ik,-in,-ion,-tat,-ung,-ur

  1. die Freundschaft..friendship
  2. die Schönheit....Beauty
  3. die Wahrheit..truth
  4. die Musik---Music
  5. die Diskothek.---Disco
  6. die Lehrerin..female teacher( its easy to recognize ones with "in" ending mostly emerging out of a masculine in this case ..Lehrer..the male teacher)
  7. die Wohnung...apartment
  8. die Courage....Courage

Nouns ending in -e are feminine there are some exceptions to this

  • das Auge..eye
  • das ende..end
  • der Buchstabe...letter(alphabet)
  • der Hase..Hare
  • der Käse ...Chicken
  • der Kunde....customer

*An abstract truth in general is a feminine noun !
Nouns flowers, fruits and trees are feminine.
  1. die Orchidee
  2. die Bannane..
The Neuter Gender
Nouns ending with -tum, -ment,-eum,ium,-um ,-ett, are neuter.
  1. das Christentum ...Christianity
  2. das Museum... museum
  3. das Instrument... instrument
  4. das Datum... date
  5. das Gymnasium.. secondary school
  6. das Duett... duet
Infinitives used as nouns are always neuter.
  1. das Hören... hearing
  2. das Sprechen.. speaking
  3. das Sehen.. seeing
  4. das Tanzen.. dancing
Names of countries, cities, places are neuter
Some Exceptions:
  1. die Schweiz ..Switzerland
  2. die Türkei ...Turkey
  3. die Tschechische Republik... Czech Republic
  4. *die Vereinigten Staaten...the US is treated as a plural
These rules are going to make you a confident German language learner for sure. Remember that "most" of the words suit the rule not all, exceptions have been mentioned as far as possible

Sunday, December 12, 2010

German Lesson 8

Weekdays in German
You would love to learn the weekdays in German. Down below is the list of weekdays and a video uploaded by me to you tube from a German lesson's package I have purchased and owned.

The week days are as follows:

1)Monday: der Montag

2)Tuesday: der Dienstag

3)Wednesday: der Mittwoch

4)Thursday: der Donnerstag

5)Friday: der Freitag

6)Saturday: der Samstag or der Sonnabend

7)Sunday: der Sonntag\

1)Week: die Woche

2)Next week:nächste Woche

3)Last week: letzte Woche

4)Every week: jede Woche

5)weekly: wöchentlich

6)weekday: der Wochentag

1)Last Friday: letzten Freitag

2)On Thursay:am Donnerstag

3)Finshing time:der Feierabend

4)Weekend: das Wochenende

5)On the weekend: am Wochenende

Monday, July 12, 2010

practice German-III(adjectives)

Fill in with appropriate adjective form
1)manch __________(fleiBig)schu'ler(m) note:B=ss u'=umlaut(pronounced 'e')
Many hardworking students
ans:manch fleiBiger schu'ler
2)weich _______________(komisch) Zufall(m)
what a funny coincidence
3)etwas ___________(warm) milch(f)
some warm milk
4)mehr ____________(glücklich) Tage (plural)
more happy days
5)wenig ____________(interessant) Bücher(plural)
some interesting books
6)wenig __________(alt)Wien(m)
some old wine
7) wenig ________(kalt) wasser(n)
some cold water
8)das___________(taurig) ma'dchen(n)
the sad girl
9) ein ________(klug) Junge(m)
a clever boy
10) die ________(klien) Tochter(f)
the little daughter
11) die ________(klein) kinder(plural)
the little kids

2) weich Komischer Zufall
3)etwas warme milch
4)mehr glu'ckliche Tage
5)wenig interessante Bücher
6)wenig alter Wien
7)wenig kaltes wasser
8)das taurige ma'dchen(with definite article)
9)ein kluger Junge
10)die kleine Tochter
11)die kleinen Kinder.

Monday, June 28, 2010

pratice German-II(questions)

How to ask questions in German

Who is that man? Wer ist das Mann?
what is your name?
was ist ihr/ihre Name?
Practice the following sentences:(frame questions)
1)Es kostet nur zehn Euro
translate:It costs only  ten Euros
2)Die kleinsten Kinder müssen sofort nach Hause gehen.
The younger kids must go to their house
3)Sie ist eine Nonne.
She is a Nun
4) Der neue Fernsehapparat ist kaputt.
The new television set is broken.
5)Mein Neffe arbeitet als Juwelier.
My nephew works at a Jeweller.
Was kostet nur zehn Euros?
Wer muss sofort nach Haus gehen?
Wer ist eine Nonne?
Was ist kaputt?
Wer arbeitet als Juwelier?

Thursday, June 24, 2010

pratise German-1(pronouns)

Pronouns in English and German
sing plural
I ----ich(never use capital I in ich in German) we---wir
you----sie you all-sie
he/she/it------er/sie/es they----sie
You have to take care of the gender while using er/sie/es
er for masculine, es for neuter, sie for feminine
eg: Das Kind hat lange geschlafen( the kid has slept for long)
Kind(kid) is neuter so das and the pronoun will be "es"
es hat lange geschlafen
revise here
German made easy
try on your own
ubung(excercise 1) substitute with pronoun the underlined
1)Ist die alte Frau(f) deine GroBmutter(B pronouned as ss)
Translate:Is that old woman your grandmother?
2)Herr keller(m)hat sich gestern das Bein gebrochen
Mr Keller has broken his leg yesterday
3)Viele heute (pl)kampfen gegen das schicksal
many people struggle with their future
4)Wo sind die Stuhle(plural(pl))?
Where are the chairs?
5) Sabine wird den Ofen heizen(f)
Sabine is the oven heat
6)Die Junge Artzin(f) war mit dieser Arbeit zufrieden
The young doctor was satisfied with this work
7)Die Tiere und Pflanzen(pl) einer tropischen insel wachen nicht hier
The animals and plants of Tropical island do not grow here
8) Hat karl(m) meinen Pullover genommen
Has karl taken my pullover
9) Das nette Madchen (n)wohnt nicht weit von uns
The pretty girl wont stay with us
1)Ist sie deine Grobmutter?
2)Er hat sich gestern das Bein gebrochen.
3) sie/Sie kampfen gegen das schicksal.
4) Wo sind sie?
5)Sabine wird sie.
6) Sie war mit dieser Arbeit zufreiden.
7)Sie wachen nicht here.
8 Hat er taken my pullover.
9)es wohnt nicht weit von us

Sunday, June 13, 2010

words for fun words to know part1 (German)

handsome:gut aussehand
darling:Liebling(m) sweet heart: Schatz(m)
movie actor: Filmdarsteller(m) the movie actor: der Filmdarsteller
love:Lieben(m) the love: der Lieben
theater:Theater(n) the theater das theater
railway station:Bahnhof the railway station: der Bahnhoff
mall:Promenade(f) die Promenade
house:Haus(n) das haus
college:College(n) das college
chat:Unterhaltung(f) die Unterhaltung
food:Lebensmittel(n) das Lebensmittel
burger:Burger(m) der Burger
pizza:Pizza(f) die Pizza
acting:Schauspielerie(f) die acting
dinner:Mahl(n) das Mahl
lunch:Lunch(n) das Lunch
luncheon:Mitaagessen(n) das Mitagessen
television:Television(f) Fernsehen(n) das Fernsehen
computer:Computer(m) Rechner(m) der Rechner
Internet:Internet(n) das Internet
picture:Bild(n) das Bild
camera:Kamera(f) die Kamera
car:Auto(n) Wagen(m) das Auto der Wagen
bike:Rad(n) das bike
bus:Bus(m) der Bus
life:Leben(n) Das Leben
ice cream: Els(n) das Els
soft drink: alkoholfreies Getränk(n) das alkoholfreies Getränk
woman:frau(f) women:Frauen die Frau, die Frauen
trees:Bäume (pl) die Bäume
nature:Natur(f) die Natur
flowers:Blumen(pl) die Blumen

Saturday, June 12, 2010

German session VII (adjectives)

What is an adjective
Adjective is something that describes the noun.
eg: He is a good man.
In German the adjectives change their form according to the case and the Gender. We will discuss the adjectives Good (Gut) in the nominative case
a good man  is   ein guter Mann(m)
a good woman is  eine gute Frau(f)
a good buch is   ein gutes Buch(n)
good men  is      gute Ma'nner(plural)
with the definite article
the good man  is der gute Mann(m)
the good woman is die gute Frau(f)
the good book is das gute Buch(n)
the good boys is die guten Knaben.(plural)

Friday, June 11, 2010

German VI

" Oh what a wonderful vocab you have" " why dont you try writing in newspapers". "He would bring a new word in his write ups like a unique pearl in the Ocean"

Wish to hear all this about you. Learning new words is nothing but what is meant by vocabulary

We all as English speaking world know how important vocabulary is. It is the difference between a god language and a normal language. Learning new words should become a paatime while learning a language.All new language learners should get aquainted with the vocabulary.

The German Language like any other language is comprised of millions of words,yet 50% of normal spoken and written texts are comprised of only 66 words. Students rightfully ask, which words do i have to learn in order to carry on an everday conversation or read a text written for the average German Speaker

The magic answer is usually 2,00 words i.e a student who has mastered the basic 2,000 core vocabulary words has learned the most important words used in 80% of all written and oral communication.

In this blog we will mention most of the words and try to make the count to 2000 and more.
We will be including bilingual vocabulary for everybody to understand

Why a bilingual" basic vocabulary"?

The use of the target language to teach the language is the norm in most programs today.Usually a new word is explained in simple German and illustrated with practical examples.

The practical teaching situation.. A FACET of SPINAC... involves use of native language especially when difficult concepts need to be clarified.

Because it is meant to be used independently by the learners to study and review outside the class, a text like basic vocabulary must be 100% bilingual.
It is not meant to, and should not , replace a regular German-English/English-German dictionary where a learner can find many more words and
definitions , nor a comprehensive grammar text. The Basic vocubulary is to be learned only to serve as a suppliment for study and learning.

We will be further in this blog display the most important words for a student to learn and use.
Our posts will be based on evaluation of numerous lists of basic German vocabulary
published in Germany,. Austria, switzerland , India and other countries. All the important sources of information on word frequenct in written and spoken German will be

Factors such as how familiar and useful a word is in everyday conversation will also be considered. We would also like to bring to
the notice of student who want to learn at Spinac learning center thatour teaching material would be
mosty effective for you ..the students.

German V

Today we will discuss numbers in German(1,2,3...etc)

1-------eins      11------elf           21----einsundzwanzig(one and twenty)    
2-------zwei      12-----zwolf       22----zweiundzwanzig(two and twenty)
3-------drei       13-----dreizehn   23----dreiundzwanzig(three and twenty)
4-------vier       14-----vierzehn    24----vierundzwanzing
5-------funf       15-----funfzehn    25----funfundzwanzig
6-------sechs     16----sechszehn  26----sechundzwanzig     
7-------sieben    17----siebzehn    27----siebenundzwanzig 
8-------acht       18----achtzehn    28----achtundzwanzig
9-------neun       19----neunzehn  29---- neunundzwanzig
10------zehn       20----zwanzig    30-----dreizig(thirty)

31.....einsunddriezig(one and thirty)
and so on


German IV

German articles in nominative case

We will be discussing how indefinte articles are used. We already know that articles(der die das).."the" are governed.

In the nominative case
masculine gender article: ein Mann  ..a Man
feminine gender artcile: eine frau..a Woman
neuter gender article ...ein madchen ..a girl

A girl sings : Ein Madchen singt
A man sings: Ein Mann singt
A woman sings :Eine frau singt

Note: nominative is to be recognized when we ask question which, who to the verb

example: who sings? a girl sings, a man sings,a woman sings 

German III

As discussed in earlier posts German language expresses every noun with an article before it. The article is governed by Gender.

I have put up a list of common nouns with their article

Das Madchen (girl)  das Buch(books) der Apfel(apple) das Feld(field)
das Kind(child) der Freund(friend) der Brief(letter) das Vogel(bird)
das Haus(House) das Auto(car) der Tag(day) die Milch(milk)
der Hund(dog) die Schule(school) das Bett(bed) das Ohr(eyes)
der Mann(Man) der Lehrer(teacher) der Garten(Garden) die Tochter(daughter)
das Haar(hair) das Auge(eye) die Antwort(answer) der Bleistiff(pencil)
die Frau(woman) die schwetser(sister)die Freundin(girl friend) der Name(name)
die Akademic(academy) der Alkohol(alcohol) der Krankenwagen(ambulance) die Banane(banana)
die Atmosphare(atmosphere) der April(april)das Blut(blood)

Try to memorize these words

German II

Pronounns in present tense and verbs declination

we know the following in English in present tense
                                           Singular                      plural

first person                        I go                        We go                                                          

second person                you go                        you all go

third person                     he/she/it goes               they go

in German it is like this

                                        ich gehe                       wir gehen
                                        Sie geht                        sie gehen
                                        er/sie/es  geht             sie gehen

 the verb: gehen-to go
Further i want to discuss the word Sie and its difference with sie

Usually when we speak in German a girl with respect is with a pronoun Sie. Now what happens when sie is they and when Sie also called as sie when no respect is to be shown is the incomplete verb used

'Sie sind' will mean "they"(sind=are)
'sie/Sie  ist' would mean "she"

Some interesting German gestures

How are you?       Wie gehtes ihnen?

whats ur name?      Wie heissen sie?

what are you doing? Was machst du?

yes                             ja

no                            nein

good morning!        Guten Morgen

Good evening!         Gut Abent!

good night               Guten Nacht!

Note: All nouns in German start with a capital letter